Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Getting Ready For Fall Festival: Cooking Pumpkin Seeds

After reading Eric Carle's The Tiny Seed, we talked about what seeds need in order to grow into plants. We decided they need: soil, water, sunlight and air to grow into healthy plants.

We also learned that animals and people eat seeds to stay healthy! We decided to see what pumpkin seeds tasted like. We bought a small pumpkin and cut it open to find many, many, many seeds inside.... 

Getting ready to scoop out the pumpkin seeds!

We all scooped the seeds out into the big bowl.

We washed the pumpkin seeds in cold water and added salt.

We dried the seeds and sprayed them with butter spray, we put them on a baking sheet in the oven.

The pumpkin seeds smelled so good and tasted even better!

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