This week William's mom came to school to read her favorite Halloween story GO AWAY, BIG GREEN MONSTER by Ed Emberley.
After the read aloud William's mom showed us during Arts &Crafts how to make our very own BIG GREEN MONSTER FACES.
We all tried to remember the different colors that made up the face:
2 Yellow Eyes
1 Blue Nose
2 Green Ears
1 Red Mouth
White Teeth and Purple Hair!
After we finished creating our Big Green Monsters, William's mom told us she was giving us the book to keep in the classroom for us to enjoy whenever we want!!!
Thanks so much to William's mom, you made our day truly special! xoxo
***I would like to invite all parents and grandparents the opportunity to come to school and share a favorite story or song and an art craft. The children truly enjoyed "Mommy comes to school day" and William was just beyond thrilled that his mom was there to teach the class.
Please email me if your interested and I will make a monthly schedule for the year. Thanks.